Ars Technica: YouTube will disable comments on most videos of kids because of pedophiles
Wired: YouTube CEO Defends Its Efforts to Reduce Violent Content
The Next Web: Online pricing algorithms are working together to make your life more expensive
Vox: Why is the wedding industry so hard to disrupt?
DailyMail: Fast food is less healthy than it was 30 years ago because calories and sodium levels have swelled
JAND Online: Fast-Food Offerings in the United States in 1986, 1991, and 2016 Show Large Increases in Food Variety, Portion Size, Dietary Energy, and Selected Micronutrients
NY Times: F.D.A. Says Canadian Company, CanaRx, Sells Unsafe Medicines to U.S. Buyers
Med City News (2017): Employers find ways around FDA crackdown on drug imports to reduce prescription costs
MotherJones: Environmentalists Didn’t Expect This Would Happen When They Busted Up Dams
Wired: Since China’s Ban, Recycling in the US Has Gone Up in Flames
Video: China’s Waste Ban Is Causing A Trash Crisis In The U.S. (HBO)
Tech Crunch: 5G phones are here but there’s no rush to upgrade
C&EN: Video: C&EN tested one dog’s genetics and got weird results
Science: University of California boycotts publishing giant Elsevier over journal costs and open access
Science Alert: It’s Official: Scientists Can Now Make The Cannabis Psychoactive Without The Plant
Science Daily: THC found more important for therapeutic effects in cannabis than originally thought